November 2023 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2022 (2022.1.0.9):
Workpaper editing
Enhanced the editing process to better track exiting edit mode when leaving the active cell.
Application startup
Updated the plug-in loading process during startup to capture additional exception queries.
May 2022 Update
The following changes and enhancements have been made to these releases of easyFBT 2022 (2022.1.0.5-2022.1.0.7):
Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Return 2022 and SBR Interactions
For tax agents and business Intermediaries, added the following to the SBR Interactions wizard:
Allow Tax Agents to enter their Australian Business Number (ABN)
Allow Business Intermediaries to enter their contact name, phone number and Australian Business Number (ABN)
Note: this information is required now that easyFBT is using the latest XML document payload. The now retired XBRL document payload previously used did not have this condition.
RFBA Employee Letters (sending e-mail)
The following changes where made within the e-mail system used to send RFBA employee letters:
Added the ability to insert a time delay (edit via Tools -> Options -> E-mail) between e-mail batches which will attempt to reduce the likelihood of creating too many e-mail server connections over a short period of time.
April 2022 Update
The following changes and enhancements have been made to these releases of easyFBT 2022 (2022.1.0.3-2022.1.0.4):
easyFBT login authentication system
Based on platform usage and user feedback we have made the following changes to the login authentication system:
Better captured internal system errors returned on failure when attempting to open the Auth0 login window
Removed our pre-validation network availability check which may not work in certain environments (with more reliance on capturing system errors as above)
Fixed an issue on Windows 7 which was not using the latest enabled TLS authentication methods (TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are no longer valid)
Fixed an issue where in certain situations changing the licence key failed to reset the active state,
April 2022 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2022 (2022.1.0.2):
Microsoft .Net Requirements
Due to the implemention of the ATO's automated M2M credential process we have been required to move easyFBT from .Net Framework 4.6.3 to .Net Framework 4.8. Due to the implementation of the Microsoft .Net Framework, this should require no changes to your system as you should have this version on your computer.
Note: During the installation of easyFBT this will be checked and advised to you.
easyFBT login authentication system
Starting with the forms release of easyFBT 2022 we have introduced a new, secure login authentication process to help protect your data. We have partnered with Auth0 to integrate this feature into the application as it provides an easy to use, centralised online management process for our users.
Application logging
Additional logging has been added to easyFBT in line with the DSP OSF requirements. These logs are generated on an application and entity level basis tracking features activated by the logged-in user.
Read our comprehensive post explaining how these features work.
Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Return 2022 and SBR Interactions
The ATO Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Return 2022 form has been added to this version and can be produced as a paper form for manual lodgement with the ATO as per prior years or when using the Electronic Lodgement (SBR) Interaction Manager to lodge electronically.
SBR interactions in easyFBT 2022 are processed through the latest SBR2 gateway where you are required to Validate (formally Pre-lodge) or Submit (formally Lodge) your returns.
Document payload
We have updated easyFBT to use the latest XML document payload replacing the now retired XBRL payload.
Interaction amendments
We have provided the ability to force override amendments to lodged returns (previously you needed to have successfully lodged using easyFBT). This option will become useful where your initial return was submitted (lodged) via an external program or provider.
Automatic updating of M2M credentials
The ATO have recognised that M2M credentials are expiring regularly outside their occasional use therefore they have provided developers with the ability to renew M2M keys up to 14 months before they expire. We have included this feature directly into easyFBT and will automatically validate for this during the SBR Interaction Wizard process (once you have selected your credential).
Viewing a SBR Lodgement FBT Return Form
When viewing a Validate (pre-lodge) FBT Return form via the Electronic Lodgement (SBR) Interaction Manager, we have updated the wording in the top-left of Page 1 to clearly state that this specific interaction has not been submitted (lodged) with SBR.
RFBA Employee Letters (sending e-mail)
The following changes where made within the e-mail system used to send RFBA employee letters:
Updated the 3rd party Mailbee component for TLS 1.2 requirements now used to send e-mail by most providers.
Renamed the Microsoft Outlook/Hotmail option to Microsoft 365/Outlook and adjusted the server address to the latest required by Microsoft.
Note: The ability to send e-mail via Google Gmail is being phased out by 30 May 2022 and this option will be removed in a future release therefore you should move to another e-mail provider ASAP. One Plus One Solutions Pty Limited will provide no support for this feature.
September 2021 Release
The following changes and enhancements have been made in this release of easyFBT 2022 (2022.1.0.1):
We have added a couple of new fields within the Expense, Property, Residual and Summary benefit workpapers called Remote Area Concession? and Remote Area Concession Reduction. Please refer to the Workpaper Column Help for further information on these new fields.
General changes
As with each FBT year, rates and other values are required to be updated. The following changes have been made for the 2022 FBT year:
Updated the Car Parking public holidays table with the 2021/22 State/Territory gazetted public holidays;
Updated the Statutory Benchmark Interest Rate (4.52%);
Updated CPI Indexation factors for Housing;
Updated the Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA) country codes and rates